March 10, 2001 - Sorry it has taken me so long to update the page. I have been extremely busy with school, job hunting, the wedding, and work. I am getting excited as May approaches. I graduate the 5th. This is exciting because I have family coming down to see me in addition to the wonderful feeling of finally being done with school. Dustin's sister is due to deliver on Easter. We all have our theories as to whether it is a boy or a girl. All I know is that there are a LOT of birthdays in April now. Dustin and I are celebrating 3 years together on the 21st of March - how time flies. That's all the news for now. Go to the Better Hlf page and visit the engagement section for more news on the wedding plans. Thanks for stopping by!
PS: Happy Birthday toall the April celebrants...Grandma Orsolini, Grandpa Orsolini, Darius Taylor, Matt Hendershott, Kelli Ternet, Amy Balz, Dale Ternet and the new baby.
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